The 2014 annualmeeting for the fifth academic committee of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics(SKLMRD) was held at DICP on January23-24, 2013. About 70 people attended the meeting, including advisoryboard (Academician Qihe Zhu, Academician Guozhong He, Professor Fanao Kong), the committee (AcademicianWeihai Fang, Academician Kopin Liu, Academician Xinhe Bao, Academician Xueming Yang, Professor Wensheng Bian, Professor Keli Han, Professor Xiuyan Wang, Professor Yijing Yan, Professor Zenghui Zhang, Professor Mingfei Zhou), and the research scientists from the SKLMRD. Academician Tao Zhang, the director of DICP, was presented in this meeting.
Weihai Fang presided over the meeting. Tao Zhangfirstly congratulatedthe SKLMRDin his speech that in 2014 this lab was rated as“Outstanding Laboratory” during the evaluation of the state key laboratoryin chemistry hosted bythe Ministry of science and technology every 5 years, and congratulated this lab won the “Second Prize of the National Natural Science”. Tao Zhang really thanked all the committee for their help and support to the lab during the past 5 years, and hoped they would offereffective suggestions against the national strategic policy, facing the international academic frontier.Then professorDonghui Zhang, the deputy director of the SKLMRD, generally reported team building, talent honors, graduate training, the task, open funding, existing problems of the SKLMD in the last year, and pointed out the priory work for the future, etc. In addition, Donghui Zhang and each group leader individually reported their research directions, the personnel, research achievements, and future research plan.
During the discussion, the academic committee expressed high affirmation for the accomplishmentsof the SKLMRD in 2014, and deeply discussed the organization of the lab, the integration and organization of the Theoretical and Computational Chemistry center, the internal evaluation mechanism of the SKLMRD based on the new situation, how to choose the research topic of the FEL Project and the way of its operation,including the specific scientific questions exist in these group leaders’ report. (By Lina Chengand Dongxu Dai)