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2013 Annual Meeting for the Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics
www.sklmr.dicp.ac.cn    Posted:2013-12-17    Column:News

The fifth meeting for the fifth academic committee of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics (SKLMRD) was held at DICP on December 14-15, 2013. About 50 people attended the meeting, including advisory board (Academician Guozhong He, Academician Qihe Zhu, Professor Fanao Kong), the committee (Academician Lansun Zheng, Academician Xueming Yang, Professor Wensheng Bian, Professor Dajun Ding, Professor Keli Han, Professor Kopin Liu, Professor Xiuyan Wang, Professor Cheuk-Yiu Ng, Professor Yijing Yan, Professor Zenghui Zhang, Professor Mingfei Zhou), and the research scientists from the SKLMRD. Professor Tao Zhang, the director of DICP, participated the discussion on December 15. 

Academician Lansun Zheng, the Chief of the academic committee, presided over the meeting. Academician Xueming Yang, the director of the SKLMRD, firstly reported team building, talent honors, graduate training, the task, open funding, existing problems of the SKLMD in the last year, and pointed out the priory work for the future, etc. Professor Donghui Zhang, the director of the Center for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, and each group leader individually reported their research directions, the personnel, research achievements, and future research plan. The academic committee expressed high affirmation for the accomplishments of the SKLMRD in 2013. 

After these annual summary reports, the director of DICP and the academic committee deeply discussed the exact research theme, the recruitment of the talents, how to maintain the basic direction and characteristics of the dynamics in interdisciplinary research, how to launch the research in chemical laser and clean energy, and so on. They also gave some valuable suggestions for the future work. Since 2014 will be the assessment year of the State Key Laboratory in chemical discipline, the director of DICP and the academic committee gave constructive suggestions and rationalized five series of important research results in the past five years. 

The director of DICP emphasized that by the timing of the assessment next year, the SKLMRD should comprehensively summarize work experience of the past five years, and establish more accurate and more distinctive positioning for the future development. (By Dongxu Dai and Lina Cheng)

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