Supported by the Zhang Dayu Lectureship funding from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics(DICP),Daniel M. Neumark, the professorin the Chemistry Department of University of California, Berkeley, was invited to visit our institute during September 7-11, 2014.
OnSeptember 9, Danielvisitedthe State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, the Laboratory of Aerospace Catalysis and New Materials, and the State Key Laboratory of Catalysis.He discussed in depth with the researchers in these labs, including the topics ofresearch area and activities, the recruitment and growth of the talent, and the support and funding of research program.He fully affirmed the research facilities and achievements of DICP, and pointed outthat some innovative researches havealready played a leading role in the world. Especially, Danielsaid that VUV-FEL under construction in DICPis a very uniquelight source inthe world, andit will open fantastic opportunities for the investigation in the fundamentalresearch of physical chemistry that is not accessible from the exiting experimental methods. Furthermore, Daniel gaveconstructive suggestions for molecular science studies based on this characteristicVUV-FEL.
On September 10, Danieldeliveredthe Zhang Dayu lecture (XV) titled as“Time-resolved Radiation Chemistry: Interaction of Excess Electrons with Water and Nucleobases” at the conference hall of Biotechnology building, attracting more than 100 researchers and graduate students. Academician Xueming Yang, the deputy director of DICP, presided the meeting and presented the “Zhang Dayu Lectureship Certificate” to Daniel. In the lecture, Danielfirstlytalked about the dynamics of excess electrons investigated in gas phase cluster anions and liquid microjets using femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, which yielded fundamental insights into hydrated electron dynamics. Then, he presented recent experimental results of the dynamics of low-energy electron attachment to the nucleobases uracil and thymine. Both studies are hot topics in the international frontier, which models are very instructive for the studies on thereaction dynamics of surface catalysis, clusters, biochemistry, and so on.After the lecture, someresearchersdiscussedin detailwith Danielabout his researches.

Prof. Daniel M. Neumark is an internationally recognized scientist in physical chemistry. He has developed pioneering spectroscopic and time-resolved experiments to investigate transition states, size-selected clusters, electron hydration in clusters and liquids, and electron-nucleobase interactions. He has also spearheaded the use of attosecond light pulses to address problems of chemical interest.He is the fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Physical Society (APS), the American Chemical Society (ACS), and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). He has received the Irving Langmuir Award from the ACS, the Herbert P. Broida Prize from the APS, and the Chemical Dynamics Award from the RSC. Now he is the member of the board of reviewing editors for Science journal, the advisory board for the Fritz-Haber Institute of Max-Planck Society, and the European research Council.
The “Zhang Dayu Lectureship” was established in 2006 to honor the centennial of Prof. Zhang Dayu, a pioneer in Chinese catalysis science and founder of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP).As the most prestigious lectureship at DICP, this award honors both domestically and internationally renowned scientists and scholars of high academic reputation. The recipients will be granted honorary professorship at DICP.(Text by Ling Jiang, Photo by Wansheng Liu)