A CAS momentous project in the fabrication of research installation for surface photochemical kinetics, entrusted to the Research Group No. 1102 of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Dynamics of DICP, has passed field checking and experts appraisal organized by the Bureau of Planning & Finance of CAS on 23rd and 24th of November.
On 23rd November, an experts checking group headed by Prof. ZHU Junfa of the China Science & Technology University, field checked staidly all indices of the newly fabricated installation, and remarked that “the new installation has fulfilled completely, and even superior to, the set design indices, its operation is excellent, and its manipulation is simple and convenient”.
On 24th November, the experts appraisal group headed by Prof. MO Yuxiang of the Tsinghua University first listened to the R&D report, the research budget report and the operation report presented by Prof. YANG Xueming, Person-in-Charge of the research project. Then, Prof. Zhu of the experts checking group delivered the checking report. The experts appraisal group also examined all research records and relevant research documents. Finally, an appraisal conclusion was drawn, pointing out that “the newly developed installation, based on an ultrahigh-vacuum system and tunable femto-second laser as well as mass spectrometry techniques, has the features of in-situ determination and high sensitivity.” “The installation will provide a strong and unique platform for the study of surface photochemical kinetics.”