Key Parameters:
Base Vacuum: <10 -7 torr (when pulsed molecular beam is off);
Resolution of Translational Energy: 0.12%;
Crossing Angle of Two Molecular Beams: 90°;
Detectable Angle: from -10° to 150°
Functions & Applications
This machine is built for O(3P) + H2 → OH + H as well as the related chemical reactions O(3P) + D2/HD. The high barrier for this reaction makes it difficult to study by the crossed molecular beam methods. The laser detonation source, which is used to generate the hyperthermal O-atom beam in order to achieve sufficient center-of-mass collision energy for reaction to occur, combined with the H-atom Rydberg tagging time-of-flight technique, characterized by its high sensitivity and resolution, provides us the information on angular distribution, velocity distribution and quantum-state distribution of the products.