Key Parameters:
Base Vacuum: <10 -8 torr (when pulsed molecular beam is off)
Mass range: 1-4000 amu
Temperature of ion trap: < 8 k
Resolution of IR spectra: better than 5 cm-1
Functions & Applications
This Temperature-Dependent Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy machine is built for the investigation of the structure and reaction dynamics of large molecules at different temperatures. In the gas phase, the number densities of the molecules are 106~108 molecules /cm3, much lower than the number densities required for FT-IR absorption measurements (1010 molecules/cm3 or higher). Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy is a new approach for studying the molecular vibration, which has the advantage of mass-selection, high sensitivity, and high resolution. In this machine, the structural information of the molecules with extremely low densities can be achieved by infrared photodissociation spectroscopy. Furthermore, IR spectra of these molecules at different temperatures can be obtained by the temperature-tunable ion trap technique, allowing for the study of the temperature effect on the structure and reaction dynamics.