Key Parameters:
Pulse duration: picosecond pulse 1.5ps, femtosecond pulse 50fs
Spectra Range: 1000-4000cm-1
Bandwidth: picosecond pulse 20 cm-1, femtosecond pulse 300 cm-1
Functions & Applications
Ultrafast 2D IR spectroscopy is an ultrafast IR analog of 2D NMR that directly probes the structural degrees of freedom of molecules. In a manner somewhat akin to NMR, the 2D IR technique involves a pulse sequence that induces and then probes the evolution of excitations vibrations of a molecular system. A critical difference between the 2D IR and NMR variants is that the IR pulse sequence is sensitive to dynamics on time scales 6–10 orders of magnitude faster than the NMR. Under developing for around ten years, the ultrafast 2D IR techniques have begun to gain applications in determining reaction mechanisms, peptide and protein dynamics and structures, charge transfer, vibrational coupling and energy relaxations, water structures and dynamics, hydrogen bond kinetics and thermodynamics, and chemical transformations. Our system is developed to study ultrafast dynamics of condensed matter under extreme conditions such as low temperature and high pressure.